28 September 2022

2022 September - Colorado Springs Trip, DayTwo

On Sunday, September 18, I left on a driving trip to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to visit my son Kyle and his family. This is one in a series of trip notes written to my daughter Kasandra, supplemented by pictures borrowed from the internet (i.e., not taken by me) that I assembled when I got back home.

The pictures are shown at the size this blog software thinks is appropriate. Things to note:

1. Click on a picture to have it displayed in a larger format.

2. Once you've done that, you can use the toolbar at the bottom of the screen to scroll through the rest of the pictures in "large view" mode.


Got up Monday morning, drove through the always wonderful Virgin River Gorge (oops, pictures of Gorge posted on Day 1), then on to St. George where I spent a couple hours at the Honda dealership replacing the key that I lost last week. I've been a bit paranoid about no spare key since that episode in Zion a few years back. Then on to Zion and a great walk up the Narrows for a mile or so. Lots of people, but I hadn't called ahead to clear them all out for me. Lovely drive—of course—up the east side and the tunnel, then on to Mt Carmel Junction where Kyle had got me a hotel room. Am there now.

Plan for tomorrow is to take a slow trip to Bryce and Escalante, spend the night in Green River or maybe Grand Junction. Then on to Kyle's in Colorado Springs, not sure if that's one day or two.

That's all for now...

Pictures of Zion, including one I took when walking up the canyon, are below. I can get them into appropriate order, so you'll have to mental group them into sets.

1 comment:

Lee C. said...

One of my favorite places on earth. Beautiful, dramatic, spectacular, stunning, we ran out of words adequate to capture its allure. Lee C.